SDG 9: Innovation, infrastructure and sustainable development Africa’s lack of infrastructure is becoming particularly noticeable in an era of technological innovation By Yunus Momoniat Even in 1972, when the term...
SDG 9: Innovation, infrastructure and sustainable development Africa’s lack of infrastructure is becoming particularly noticeable in an era of technological innovation By Yunus Momoniat Even in 1972, when the term...
Most of sub-Saharan Africa’s cities are ill prepared for the rapid and dramatic population increase that will occur by 2035 For decades to come, sub-Saharan Africa’s economic and social future will be shaped by one of...
Most African countries today are ruled by presidents. Some have notorious profiles as tyrants, while others enjoy respect as democrats. This compilation of brief overviews of their careers shows who’s who. ALGERIA:...
Africa’s best and worst presidents: How neo-colonialism and imperialism maintained venal rules in Africa. By Nkwazi Nkuzi Mhango, Langaa Research and Publishing, 2016 Tanzanian writer Nkwazi Nkuzi Mhango’s book on...
Even the most promising of Africa’s leaders cannot seem to resist the temptation to extend presidential terms Rwanda, widely regarded as an African developmental success story, has recently attracted attention as it...
While other countries’ attitudes towards Africa waver, China is seizing the opportunity to snap up the continent’s mining assets On 17 January this year, any remaining uncertainty over one of the largest transactions...