Tanzania is credited for having been at the forefront in embracing Africa’s Open Data initiatives about nine years ago, aimed at promoting the public use of data to spur economic growth and hold government officials to...
Tanzania is credited for having been at the forefront in embracing Africa’s Open Data initiatives about nine years ago, aimed at promoting the public use of data to spur economic growth and hold government officials to...
Tanzania: the Covid data void A moratorium on COVID-19 data, followed by government restrictions on information about the virus, has left Tanzanians and scientists in the dark. With more than 20 million cases of...
Introduction Tanzanians are heading to the polls on the 28th October. The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party has governed Tanzania since independence in 1961, and is the second longest-ruling party in Africa....
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production African governments show little interest in coming up with sustainable waste management strategies By Charles Kimani Waste generation rates are rising across the world....
Due to the economic relevance and growing concentration of voters in African cities, these territorial entities represent sites of intense political competition Urbanisation represents one of the main demographic...
Tanzanian president John Magufuli quickly became power struck once in office Tanzanian president Dr John Pombe Magufuli has an uncanny ability to undermine his own anticorruption crusade through his intolerance of...