Bob Wekesa
Editorial – Bob Wekesa

Editorial – Bob Wekesa

This issue of Africa in Fact is part of a broader initiative aimed at shedding light on the competition between the US and China in the African digital sphere. The project focuses on the competition between the US and...

Editorial – Bob Wekesa

Editor’s note: A new vision for Africa?

This special edition of Africa in Fact provides perspectives on wide-ranging Africa-US intersections. The authors were part of the many virtual sessions convened throughout 2020 as webinars became a media platform of...

Editorial: The old and new African diaspora

Editorial: The old and new African diaspora

The articles in this special issue are derived from a virtual activity lasting just over five months between May and October 2020. Dubbed the Old and New African Diaspora: Before and After COVID-19, the series of...

Playing both sides to win

Playing both sides to win

Africa is a just a political pawn in China and Japan’s superpower rivalry; the continent needs to up its game strategically to benefit from the Asian nations’ need for its political backing, and resources The growing...