When COVID-19 first struck, South African policymakers reacted promptly and implemented one of the world’s strictest lockdowns for five consecutive weeks. Despite that, and a slow release of the...
When COVID-19 first struck, South African policymakers reacted promptly and implemented one of the world’s strictest lockdowns for five consecutive weeks. Despite that, and a slow release of the...
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, which has also closed the stock exchange over forex concerns, has hit people already losing livelihood options during the Covid-19 lockdown hard The Zimbabwean government has, for a...
From the get-go, the Nigerian authorities publicised precautions for people to keep safe against COVID-19 and ways through which they could prevent the spread of the disease. These measures included frequent...
When then Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi used a state hospital in 2013, the event was unusual enough to make headlines. Until then, it would have been unheard of for a senior politician to use a public hospital. The...
Disaster regulations declared unconstitutional The tenth of April 2020 was a warm autumn day, and Collins Khosa, 40, was sitting in his yard at his home in the Far East Bank of Alexandra township in northern...
Kenya was engulfed by a cloud of apprehension on 12 March 2020, when the Ministry of Health confirmed the country’s first case of coronavirus since its outbreak in China in December 2019. Health Cabinet Secretary...